***if you have any questions or wish for deeper guidance with the exercises below, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for a free 30-minute consultation…online or in-person***
You will be amazed at how simple drawing exercises can give you the opportunity to use your imagination, discover more about yourself, and then integrate your discoveries! They can reveal the unconscious thoughts that rule your behavior and help you to find answers for handling stressful situations and day-to-day uncertainties. Expressive exercises can lower #stress hormones, decrease #pain, and improve chronic health problems by helping you to experience, express, and release thoughts and feelings.
The more easily you express yourself, the more aware you become of what’s happening inside you. This moment-by-moment awareness makes it easier for you to use your imagination, your intuition, and your mind to answer questions about your #mentalhealth, your #wellbeing, and the direction of your life.
Drawing Yourself
Take out your colored pencils, pencils, pens (or any other drawing tools) and three pieces of paper, making sure you have at least three or four colors. Write your name and date on the pages so you can track your changes. Number pages 1, 2 and 3. Let go of any performance concerns. You’re not being graded or judged. These drawings are for you to know yourself.
Drawing 1: Draw yourself as you are now. Take four to six minutes for this exercise. Use whatever style makes you feel the most comfortable. Put this sheet away after you’ve completed it. What does this drawing say about how you are now?
What do you see on the page?
How are you represented?
Are you big or small relative to the space on the page?
What colors have you used? What do the colors mean to you?
Are other people or objects there with you?
What is the most important thing you notice about your drawing?
Drawing 2: Draw yourself with your biggest problem. Take four to six minutes for this exercise. Put this sheet away after you’ve completed it.
What does this drawing say about your biggest problem?
How do you feel as you look at your drawing?
Have you drawn a way out of your problem?
Drawing 3: Draw yourself with your biggest problem solved. Take four to six minutes for this exercise.
What does drawing 3 say about solving your biggest problem?
What else does this drawing tell you?
Does it provide any answers that are surprising to you?
Write about each drawing using the questions provided below:
What do you see when all the drawings are in front of you at once?
Do you look different in the three drawings?
If so, how?
Is there a story here in these three drawings? What is it?
Don’t worry about the artistic quality of the drawings.
Don’t worry about what other people would think of them — they’ll never see them.
“First thought, best thought.” Draw the first images that come to mind.
Use any drawing implements you like.
Don’t take longer than the suggested time for each exercise.
This exercise is useful for identifying and exploring any issue in your life.
Try it often — you’ll be surprised how much the drawings change from day-to-day.